Friday, October 1, 2010

The horse ride

Hi, this is my story: It was my first time on a horse.The horse was a pony. Her name was Stella. It was amazing. Even my friends Celia and Adam went on horses.Then I went on a bigger horse named Little boy.He was 20 years old. I had to be led by Giuseppe. But I still had a lot of fun.
My friend Adam has 4 dogs which like chasing the horses. Thier names were Dragon or The barrel,Blake,Gapye and Didi.
Adams place is a few kilometers from Mukushi.

From Damiano Carretta Dario Age 10


  1. Hello,

    how are you,I am a Chinese in lusaka,Zambia.I would like to visit chipata,my friends told me that chipata is a nice place,howerer,I have been reed your blog of homeshool,It sound nice.
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