Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tell me... my story...

This week my mummy made us do an activity. It was about me telling you a story that happened to me in my past. Here it is......

My First Sleepover With Joe

One Saturday morning me,Filippo and Joe were at a kids club where we do fun and games and learn about Jesus and God. Later at the end of the club we entered Joe's car and Joe's mum drove us to Joe's house.There we got ready to swim in Joe's big swimming pool. We had so much fun but our fun was interrupted by lunch. For lunch we ate popcorn and juice. After lunch we got bored of swimming so we went inside to play with Joe's Nintendo. We played star wars Lego, we defeated Darth Vader and his evil clone troopers. Then we played with Joe's Guinea pig, he is so cute and cuddly and fluffy. We got bored again, so we went swimming. Later it was time for our supper. Here is were I forgot what we did. Well later we went to bed.

This was the best sleepover ever. I liked it because we played with Joe, my best friend Joe. He is cool and knows what to play and when to play and he is great at saying jokes.

I miss Joe very mush he is now in Canada if only he could come back here and stay.

By Damiano Carretta Dario D.C.D.

1 comment:

  1. A Belliiiiiii
    Ciao campioni, che bello questo blog e che belli che siete voi! Son Matteo chikowa, vi ricordate?
    Io sto bene, adesso sono a Roma e sto studiando per lavorare nel mondo del turismo! Come state voi?che fate di bello?un abbraccio ed un bacione, mi mancate, spero di rivedervi presto ciao ciao
