Thursday, August 25, 2011

Giuseppe Carretta Wins Race

Hi guys its me, no not the twins but the one and only GIUSEPPE CARRETTA
I'am back to update you guys about life in Chengelo...
At Chengelo we have what we call Sports day. It is where 3 teams (Kaimbi, Ndale and Mukwa) compete in track events only. E.G Long jump, 800m, 1500,ETC.So I had only two races which were 800 meters and 1500 meters. My first race, which was 1500 meter, I came in second with a time 5:41 minutes. In 800 meters though I decided I had enough
of losing so I left the others by 3 and a 1/2 meters or so and got a time 2:32. My mum and my grandma were there to cheer me on. Damiano and my two cousin were there too. And to top it up a friend of mine came along too.
Well that's all for now by Giuseppe


  1. Hello Boys, bye bye from your Uncle Domenico.

  2. Hey Giuseppe and Damiano and Filippo and Simo and Enrico haha nice blog u got.. we are also making one ;) haha it brings back alot of memories <3
