Thursday, March 17, 2011

Journey to the River Sea

Hello I'm Damiano. I read "Journey to the River Sea" this month, the author is Eva Ibboston. This story is based on an adventure in the jungle. Maia, the main character, is an orphan child who is taken in by an in English family living in the Amazon in a little town colled Manaus. They only took Maia because of her money, she's very rich. Maia is kept as a prisoner until she finds an indian boy who can help her. She befriends the indian boy and they embark on a periluos journey up river to the Xnati which is an indian tribe.

My most favorite character was Finn because he would give up a luxzirios life in England to live with the indians. My most favorite part was when Maia meet Finn in the jungle for the first time. I hope when you read this book you will feel the same way I felt when I read the book. My feeling was sad and happy because they trumphied.

By Damiano Carretta Dario D.C.D.


  1. Nice story Damiano! I'm really curious what was the end of the story...
    What's your new reading?


  2. I enjoyed your summary Damiano. Pick out a NEW ERA hat on me!
